
DevOps In Right Way

Welcome to Devops In Right Way blog, where you can find life based articles from DevOps and SRE field and also IT in general.

Hi there! I’m Mr Right. My name is simply, Right. Not that I’m always right - that’s just my name.

I’ve decided to start writing couple of words about not-so-obvious challanges I face in my proffesional life. Why? Well, these days you can find a lot of articles about any given topic in IT, you can even generate your own by using AI but most of them, especially in devops/cloud/sre field, are just copy-paste version from that one source, one guy, one article that only scratched the surface about something. But hey! - you may say - maybe the author wanted to only scratch the surface with this topic? Agreed. Easy to entry, easy to read, easy to understand - kudos for that. Bigger problem comes when copycat appears and without understanding the underlaying context, tries to win his own audience by coping article’s surface not even scratching it. And then copycat2 appears on copycats’s blog coping copycat’s version of already copied article…. and the cycle continues. That’s why we don’t have meaty DevOps articles anymore.

I’m aiming to break the cycle.

Want to share your opinion? Want to spread some news? Drop me a line on X or mail.

Mr Right